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 [9-10 Octobre] Championnat de Pologne de monte en amazone

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Nombre de messages : 2901
Age : 33
Localisation : Lyon 02 (69)
Date d'inscription : 13/02/2007

[9-10 Octobre] Championnat de Pologne de monte en amazone Empty
MessageSujet: [9-10 Octobre] Championnat de Pologne de monte en amazone   [9-10 Octobre] Championnat de Pologne de monte en amazone EmptyDim 1 Aoû - 14:46

"Dear Ladies!

Our Sidesaddle Association is organizing the VII th International Sidesaddle Championships 2010 in famous Arab Horses Stud in Janow Podlaski - on October 9-10, 2010. We invite all the sidesaddle riders to come to Poland!

Our very special guest ROGER PHILPOT is coming to Janow. He is going to give a clinic just before the Championships.

The details of the show are on our website in English:

We have a couple of well schooled horses to use for foreign contestants! First come, first served! :-)
If you need more details - do not hesitate to write an e-mail.

Jola Lipka"

Sidesaddle Championships of Poland JANOW PODLASKI 2010

Roger Philpot - special guest of
Sidesaddle Championships of Poland 2010!


Equitation class Novice (semi-final - L);
Championships Equitation (semi-final - P) and jumping classes (up to 60cm).
Historical Costume Class;
High-jump Competition ('puissance');
'Champagne Challenge'

Equitation class Novice (final - P);
Championships Equitation (final - freestyle to music) and jumping classes (up to 80cm);
Freestyle Class;
Costume Concours d'Elegance;

International competitors may wear their traditional habits in all the classes.

equestrian and historic shows: hunt with the falcons, medieval music bands, carriages, knights and 'living images', inspired by paintings of Juliusz, Jerzy and Wojciech Kossak, presenting groups of the riders wearing historic costumes.

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[9-10 Octobre] Championnat de Pologne de monte en amazone
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